What is IEC61375-2-6?

Neratec Solutions AG



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Reliable train to trackside communication is required for many applications: CCTV, Public Wi-Fi, maintenance and monitoring, VoIP passenger information systems.


Neratec solutions are serving a number of industries. Robustness and reliability are important features of our solutions that fit well to many applications in transportation, mining, maritime, oil & gas and automation industries.


Neratec is offering a portfolio of wireless communication products for railway and industrial applications. The products support both stationary and on-board solutions.

IEC61375-2-6 setting the standards for rail communication

In simple terms, IEC61375-2-6 refers to the standardised protocols for computer network controls within the train communication network. The universal nature of these standards enable manufacturers such as Neratec Solutions AG to develop and manufacture products that can be used on most rail networks within Europe and further afield. For example, companies like Virgin Trains in the UK, Deutsche Bahn in Germany, the Swiss Rail Federation and the Austrian Rail Federation all adhere to the train communication network (TCN) hierarchies that are standardised as IEC61375. IEC61375-2-6 is the section covering train to ground communications.

How does IEC61375-2-6 apply to you?

If you're the chairman or owner of a rail network who intends to create a fail-safe and reliable industrial WLAN network you'll need to refer to IEC61375-2-6 standards to set specifications for all on board to ground communications. To clarify things a little, the train communication network is a set of Fieldbus rankings for the transmission of data within trains. The 'Fieldbus' is a two-part hierarchy; the Multifunction Vehicle Bus (MVB) and the Wire Train Bus (WTB). The MVB operates within the vehicle while the WTB allows the network to connect to other vehicles. Each of these train communication network components is standardised in IEC61375 and includes IEC61375-2-6, a specific section that pertains to train to ground communication.

IEC61375-2-6 -making connectivity possible

Train staff and passengers often need to communicate with stations, ground staff and others while the vehicle is static or in motion. Using components and specifications that are in line with IEC61375-2-6 makes this form of communication possible. It's important to plan your IWLAN (Industrial Wireless Local Area Network) meticulously, ensuring that all protocols are in place. By complying with IEC61375-2-6 standards and using universally acceptable components from leading brands like Neratec, you'll be able to enjoy fast, reliable train to track or on board to ground communications at any time and in any conditions.

Are Neratec components compatible with IEC61375-2-6 standards?

Yes. Neratec Solutions AG excels in the creation of IEC61375-2-6 compatible products for the train transportation sector. We also create lasting and reliable solutions for a host of satisfied customers from a diverse range of backgrounds including maritime, oil and gas, automation, mining and, of course, rail transportation. Access points and clients are made to the highest specifications at the company's plant in Switzerland. Combining durable materials with the latest advantages in technology and skilled Swiss craftsmanship, Neratec WLAN clients and access points make it easy to stay connected. And, naturally, each product complies with the train communications network Fieldbus protocols for train to ground communication as standardised by IEC61375-2-6.

Learn more about Neratec IEC61375-2-6 compatible products

You can find out more about our range of IEC61375-2-6 compliant products at www.neratec.com. Alternatively, contact us by email or telephone. Our experienced and knowledgeable teams are always happy to offer advice on setting up or refurbishing your communications network in line within IEC61375-2-6 standards.

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